Monday, August 20, 2012

Lucy's First Swim

Lucy took her first real swim yesterday afternoon and she loved it!  She didn't really know how to fetch the dummy while in the water, but she would just motor around out there until finally we called her back into shore!

Friday, August 17, 2012

West Jordan City Library

Well, this may not be interesting to all of you non-book-obsessed people, but I was pretty excited.  West Jordan just built a brand new public library (it opened a month or two ago).  When you return your books, they have this super cool automated machine that reads the barcodes off of the books, then sorts them into piles to then be reshelved.  You can't see it very well in this picture, but believe me, it's pretty crazy!

If only I had one of these at my school library!

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Best of Luck to Waffle

Lucy's older (and wiser and better-behaved...) sister, Waffle, is going in to Professional Training next week.  We want to wish her the best of luck (and also let her know how cool her pink Gentle Leader is!).

Lucy being "good" at Salt Lake puppy class.
(good is quoted because, well, she wasn't really, but she was trying ;))

Waffle and Lucy saying their goodbyes.

Good luck Waffle!!

Mattress Tunnel

The night before "the big move": at least the dogs were able to have fun despite the mess!

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Go Aggies!

Well, today is my last day on campus.  It is definitely a bitter-sweet feeling.  I have had a great job, fun classes, and just love the atmosphere here at Utah State. But, of course I realize that there is a time and place for everything and Shaun and I need to move onto the next big thing in life.

While Lucy has never gone to classes with Shaun or me (she was too young during Spring semester), she has spent numerous hours on campus with me for my job.  I've had four CCI dogs on campus: Zeeland, Edna, Cheri, and Lucy.  For the first three, we made sure we took some fun pictures of them on campus before turn-in.  Obviously, since we are moving, we snapped some photos last night of Lucy around USU.

On the "A" in front of Old Main

Doing business in a campus golf cart.

Being an attentive student.

Once an Aggie, always an Aggie :)