Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Wheeler Farm

Last week, Lucy, Cheri, and Diamond went to visit all the farm animals at Wheeler Farm.  They had fun meeting up with all the ducks, lambs, pigs, and other baby animals.  It was a perfect day and starting raining right when we left and not a moment before!

Bessy the Cow photo bombing :)

Cheri would rather be swimming with the ducks!

Mmmm, bacon...

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Bowling with Lucy

Last night Shaun and I took Lucy bowling.  Lucy thought it was fun to watch the bowling balls for the first few minutes, then she moved on to watch all the little kids.  Eventually she just watched me and my terrible bowling skills :)

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Hoppy Easter

I realize this is a few days late, but happy Easter and have a great April!